Ekaterina H

Age: 28
City: Kiev
Country: Ukraine
Height: 5’5″ (165 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Light-Brown
Education: Graduate School

My main hobby, with which I start every day, is a morning run. It gives me energy in the morning and a charge of vivacity for the whole day. I am very active and always say yes to something new. I have traveled a lot and I believe that travel is an important part in the life of every person. I hope my future man will share this passion with me and his passport will always be ready to go on a new journey.

I was born and raised in Ukraine, but the events of this year forced me to change my habitual life and I moved to another country with two suitcases. Now I understand that I can fit my whole life in just two suitcases and go anywhere. In Ukraine, I worked as a lawyer and helped people solve their problems. Having moved to Germany, I help other refugees find their place here, find housing and triple their jobs.

I’m not looking for a prince from a fairy tale. I’m not looking for an ideal. I am looking for a real person with whom I will be comfortable and happy to live every day. Loyalty, trust, honesty are the qualities that I would like to see in my man. It doesn’t matter to me whether he is taller or shorter than me, it doesn’t matter what eye color he has, the most important thing is that he is ready to build relationships in reality. To such a man I would be ready to give my heart, give all my love and make him the happiest man in the world. And I am sure that he would never regret that one day he decided to write to me.

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